jeudi 11 février 2016

Red Tailed Black Cockatoo may soon be gone

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There is nothing more adorable than hearing the screech of a cockatoo. It's a different sound that unhappily many Australians have never heard. The Red-tailed black cockatoo is classified as threatened. How sorry if we lose this marvelous parrot.

The red band is seen on the birds tail. This parrot is located in extremely small areas of land that straddles the southern border of Victoria and South Australia. Unhappily the population estimates are so uncertain and since 1989 it's thought that only 500 -1000 parrots are remaining in their small habitat. The Red-tailed cockatoo has a special diet of seeds from desert and brown string bark gums.

It's because the trees are only located in specific areas and are so localized that we're losing these beautiful parrots. Once again we're a big part of the loss of the red-tailed cockatoos. Because of land clearing for growing agriculture, the birds' food sources and nesting territories are being cleared. This makes the parrots without food to survive and no nest places in the trees for reproduction.

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