lundi 1 février 2016

Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos Cookies

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Cake pops have been made famous in the past couple of years by the blogger Bakerella, who has now published a book about them. Bakerella likes to make her cake pops using packet cakes and canned frosting.

Call me a snob if you will (I promise I won’t set many cockatoos upon you), but I see no point in resorting to weird ingredient filled packet mixes when it’s so easy to make a great vanilla cake or chocolate cake using only one bowl and minimal ingredients.

I have no idea if canned frosting is even available in Australia, but I have pretty similar views to that as well so I also made my own. Despite my soft spot for the black cockatoos, the Sulphur-Crested Cockatoos are such an Australian icon, and probably the type of cookies in White’s story, so I thought I should make some of them as well.

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