lundi 25 janvier 2016

It is believed that the parrot has more chances of talking if you start teaching them at a tender age

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Even if they do, they always remain the listener in the process. But all of us hope that there must be some pet who can talk back at us. Someone like a talking parrot!!! There are many rumors and interpretations about a parrot being able to talk.

Some believe it is a true phenomenon whereas some just ignore. Yet, studies show that a speaking parrot is not a fictional story. It is a true event that happened and still occurs with proper training. Well, it might be simply astounding for an owner to watch his parrot talk. But not all species of parrots can really talk.

And even if they speak there are certain limitations to it. Parrots are able to imitate only the human speech and no other kind. Hence, their talking skills include sheerly words. Unlike human beings, they do not have vocal chords to support their talking. Still, they have the correct type of anatomy which helps them speak.

Our feathered friend has an organ called as syrinx situated at the lowermost part of its trachea in the chest. It plays the same function as the larynx in our human anatomy. The sound is obtained by releasing air across the mouth of its bifurcated trachea.

Thus, diverse sounds are shaped by variation in the depth and design of the trachea. This proves that the talking of a parrot is actually the whistling in various tones. According to Steve Hartman of the Parrot University, parrots are counted among the six animals that use verbal communication to interact with others.

Parrots are extremely social pets and yearn for attention and interaction with their human partners. It is believed that the parrot has more chances of talking if you start teaching them at a tender age. A well-grown bird can be redundant by changing its talking habits. The necessary environment required for growing a talking parrot is just being a vocal person and having a very vocal family. This eventually develops the talking practice on your parrot.

There are different aspects that must be taken into consideration while teaching your parrot how to speak. Repetition is one of the prime factors here. Make sure you use similar and familiar words around the bird every day. This makes the bird known to those words and helps him generate it. Do not forget the actions while talking.

This helps the parrot understand what is meant for what. Or else he will just learn the words without knowing its meaning. Although not every parrot can be categorized as a talking parrot, still there are a few that can be listed.

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