samedi 26 décembre 2015

Toxic Foods for Your Parrots!

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Parrots are social creatures and due to this reason many bird owners allow them to be a part of their mealtime. Sharing food with your parrot is a fun activity – remember that sharing food with your pet bird is good for its emotional health. But what we as parrot owners don’t realize is that some common foods can be fatal or harmful for parrots. Parrot owners should be aware of the foods which are good while which foods can be risky for their parrot’s health. Here we have listed eight most toxic foods for parrots or food ingredients which are pretty common in every house. Also you should read this interesting article on foods that Parrots love to eat.

Chocolate – Sweet Poison

  1. Chocolate is a delicious treat for everyone, but if you share it with your pet parrots it can be really harmful for it.  Chocolate can affect the digestive system of your parrot which can cause diarrhea and nausea. As the problem keeps progressing, the central nervous system of the parrot gets affected and causes seizures which later result in death.

Avocado – Never Ever

Avocado is an absolute no for parrots, the reason I’m saying this is because the pit and skin of this popular fruit is known for causing cardiac problems in parrots. Although there has always been a debate on the toxic level of the fruit, it is recommended to keep a better safe than sorry approach. So it’s best that you should keep Avocado away from your parrots and also avoid giving them products which have traces of avocado in it.

Mushrooms – Stay Miles Away

Mushrooms is not a veggie and is a type of fungus, it is popularly known for causing digestion problems in Parrots. Stems and caps of some mushrooms can also cause liver failure in parrots, so never feed them a mushroom.

Alcohol – Sound Funny But Its Deadly

Parrot owners should be very responsible and never leave any alcoholic drink around your pet bird. Responsible bird owners would never allow their parrot to drink alcohol; there have been cases in which parrots have consumed unattended drinks like cocktails or beer. The effects of alcohol on parrots are deadly. So make sure when alcohol is being served in the house your pet bird is in its cage.

Salt – Important But Keep an Eye

Every living being needs a particular amount of sodium in their body, too much consumption of salt can cause serious health problems and diseases in parrots. These problems can be dehydration, excessive thirst, kidney dysfunction and can cause death. So be sure that you keep a watch on the amount of salt your bird consumes in its food.

Dried Beans – Always Cook Them First

Parrots love to eat cooked beans and it’s one of their favorite treats, but raw, dry bean mixes are not at all good for your parrot’s health. Uncooked beans comprises of a poison known as hemaglutin, which is very toxic to parrots. To avoid exposure of this toxin make sure you cook any beans you plan to share with your parrot.
If your parrot is in a problem regarding Toxic food or not sure about it, but your parrot is feeling bad. You should read 9 signs of sickness for parrots.
I hope you find this article interesting, now since you know the foods that you should avoid feeding your parrot if you happen to know any other food item that causes distress for parrots do share with me below in the comment area so all of our readers will know.

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