mardi 8 décembre 2015

The risks of christmas for your birds !

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A bit of useful information... Poisonous plants - Poinsettia plants, Christmas cactus, Holly berries and Mistletoe berries are dangerous to birds. Poinsettia stems have a milky sap which irritates eyes and the digestive tract.

Holly tree berries also irritiate the gastrointestinal tract. Mistletoe berries are toxic. Trees And Decorations - Keep your birds away from your Christmas tree as there are many ways that our feathered friends can be hurt from them.

Do your best to make your tree bird safe. Pine and fir trees are not toxic. However, the needles from pine trees and artificial trees are sharp and can cause trauma, if ingested. Cedar contains irritants and should not be used. Decorations made of plastic such as some angel hair, tinsel, spray snow and ornaments are non-toxic. However, injesting pieces of them can cause blockage of the intestinal tract. Some angel hair is made of fiberglass which is very dangerous if eaten. If you use a spray-on decoration, keep your birds away while you spray.

Some of the propellants contain freon. Glass and metallic ornaments and lights hung on Christmas trees can be broken - electricity! The sharp edges can cause cuts, both externally and internally. Bubbling light fluid contains a toxic solvent which irritates eyes. Consider using wooden ornaments and edible garlands made of things like popcorn, cranberries or even colored paper. Electrical cords are another source of danger.

 Avoid metallic wrapping papers which can contain heavy metals. Eating any kind of wrapping paper should be avoided to prevent the possibility of intestinal blockage. Cigarette, alcohol and other decadent delights ... Secondhand cigarette smoke can cause respiratory irritation. Allergic dermatitis may occur if you have nicotine on your fingers and stroke your parrot.

Better to wash their hands after smoking. Tobacco smoking is also highly toxic to parrots, if ingested. Marijuana smoke and the marijuana grass is ... you guessed it ... toxic to all parrots. To this list, we can happily add ecstasy, cocaine, alcohol, beer and other psychotropic drugs of all kinds. Fire, fire ... Pretty fire ... The candles do not mix with the feathers of birdie. Feathers burn fast ... Too fast! In addition, scented candles are to be avoided totally.

They can seriously poison your parrot. It is also important to note that some imported candles may contain lead in the wick. Make sure your chimney is clean (no creosote) and that ventilation is good. Smoke is an irritant dangerous for your bird.

The artificial fireplace logs and logs of colors contain heavy metal salts such as lead, copper, arsenic, barium and selenium and can poison your parrot if it decides to nibble a little bit to taste. It should be noted that a number of toxic particles could be found in the smoke of these logs. Better to abstain.

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