vendredi 27 avril 2018

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Who's a clever bird then? Harley the cockatoo filmed taking his owner's washing out of the machine as he helps with their chores

A cockatoo has been recorded doing housework by aiding his master to empty the washing machine. Harley the cockatoo exists in the Netherlands with his master Anja. The 8-year-old cockatoo was taking clothes out of the washing machine because no one else was doing it.

A video recorded last week reveals Harley perched on the rim of the front loader washing machine. The excited cockatoo reaches into the washing machine and utilizes his beak to pluck out the washed clothes. Harley succeeded in getting every piece of clothing out, tossing them exactly onto the floor.

mardi 24 avril 2018

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Green Wing Macaw Singing In The Shower – Crazy Funny!

This green wing macaw parrot singing in the shower is a boo! Sure, so he does not own the most impressive voice, we have surely heard worse off-key chanting performed by humans in the shower. This video displays a great shower perch for the macaw. Shower perches are excellent methods to get your bird to appreciate a shower with you.


Does your pet bird get baths or showers routinely? A shower perch encourages your bird to be pleased with showers if he is scared because you're in there having fun with him. You can tell if he loves it, just like this macaw parrot singing Happy Birthday and singing.
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This African Grey Has An Attitude. Some Folks Just Don’t Like To Be Touched

African grey parrots aren't cuddly by definition. It is accurate, this could be a misunderstanding. If you have a Timneh or a Congo African grey that appears cold, it is fine. We can not take this behavior so personally... Many birds need to work up to gain our trust. Of course, there're African grey parrots, Timneh and Congo, that are happy with petting and want it.
But this special one says to his owner precisely what he does not want:

My own African grey gives me stink eye when he does not desire to be touched. In the evenings, though, he prefers a good head preening. And any time of day, he desires to stay within feet of me, or hang out on my knee. It took multiple months of communication with my CAG to get to the point where he trusted me.
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Naked Cockatoo Knows Grief. He’s Also A King Who Can Sing

Healing from a sorrowful struggle is difficult for anyone, even for this little-naked cockatoo. He ripped all his feathers out from his body after the death of his first. He presently lives at Best Friends Parrot Garden and enjoys singing. Formerly identified as Ophelia, King O just knew his one loving home, even if his master did not know he was a boy. Like many parrots that lose their homes, King O has been at Best Friends for a few years, still dreaming that someone will love his singing nakedness.

When a parrot begins plucking out feathers, it grows an obsession that is hard to stop. Still, King O appears fortunate in the video, he presently has that one wrong habit, similar to a kid who chews down fingernails. If you own a parrot that has a plucking problem, it couldn't be anything but a wrong habit. Do not confuse plucking with self-mutilation, which is a much more severe condition.

jeudi 20 juillet 2017

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Parrot ring

Parrots in general are best known for their speaking abilities, they can be trained to do a number of other tricks. Many are taught to fly through hoops, retrieve things, sing on command, and more. They have great memories and recall abilities, and with positive reinforcement, time, and dedication, they can learn all sorts of cool tricks. Check out this one’s dance routine and you’ll see how awesome they really are!

mercredi 28 septembre 2016

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Parrot babies

My heart melted !
parrots in general are best known for their speaking abilities, they can be trained to do a number of other tricks. Many are taught to fly through hoops, retrieve things, sing on command, and more. They have great memories and recall abilities, and with positive reinforcement, time, and dedication, they can learn all sorts of cool tricks. Check out this one’s dance routine and you’ll see how awesome they really are! The babies are all doing great!!

jeudi 7 juillet 2016

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Paitlog/assist bird lay eggs!

My heart melted down When is tried to hold onto the egg,!
parrots in general are best known for their speaking abilities, they can be trained to do a number of other tricks. Many are taught to fly through hoops, retrieve things, sing on command, and more. They have great memories and recall abilities, and with positive reinforcement, time, and dedication, they can learn all sorts of cool tricks. Check out this one’s dance routine and you’ll see how awesome they really are!